It may interest you to note that OKPOTOKPO ADAIGBO NIILE WORLDWIDE started her activities online with the opening of various chapters, headed by their coordinators during the worlds most challenging period of the outbreak of covid-19 even before it was properly registered with Nigerian Government under the Corporate Affairs Commission. This vision was birthed by divine inspiration in the spirit of "we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us".
The profile of the organization is a quick study and contains valuable information about us, the various policies and a summary o the structure, membership, vision, mission, objectives and goals. All designed to answer many of the questions you may have about our organization. I hope you will find our organization interestintg to collaborate with, identify with, partner with an support after journeying the entire website space.
I look forward to working with you as volunteers and partners in order to achieve optimum impact on humanitarianism for mutal relevance and growth...
Sincerely Yours, Humanitarian Iyom Chinelo Cynthia amnim, mihsd
Iyom Adaejiejembe 1 of Ukpo Ancient Kingdom ADATUUGONABONISI NDIIGBO Chairman Board of Trustees/President General Okpotokpo Adaigbo Niile Worldwide.
Member Countries